In particular, the Union provides labour law protection in the following ways:
- Providing information and counselling;
- Mediation with the employer;
- Representation in court;
- Initiating bankruptcy proceedings against the employer;
- Reporting irregularities to the State Inspectorate and the State Attorney’s Office;
- Preparing and organising industrial actions, and in other appropriate ways.
In the majority of labour disputes, more than 50 percent of them, workers demand their salaries or the difference in pay. Around 15 percent of disputes relate to determining unfair dismissal, and these proceedings almost always include a demand for the worker to return to work and later a claim for compensation for lost wages in that period. Other disputes relate to payment of the jubilee award, transportation costs, severance pay upon dismissal or retirement, damages…
Most of the court proceedings end in favour of the represented workers, that is, members of our Union. About 75% of the proceedings ended with a final court ruling in favour of the party represented by our Union, about 15% of the proceedings ended amicably i.e., in settlement, which implies a compromise between both parties and can also be considered a successful outcome. Only slightly less than 10% of the proceedings ended in a loss for the party represented by the Union. Therefore, in the vast majority of court disputes – more than 90% of them – the Union successfully protected workers’ rights.